Arthritis in your wrist is no laughing matter. You use your hands which of course means your wrists all day long. So, if OA makes your wrists a target it is not only annoying, it can also be a problem. Let’s explore this to look at your options.
If you have arthritis in your wrist(s) you are most likely to see some pain or discomfort; trouble gripping things; and some inflammation is also possible. You can usually tell if it is OA as opposed to RA by this symptom. With RA the swelling or inflammation is most likely going to be in the joints of your fingers.
There are several reasons you may develop wrist arthritis. Let’s take a look at each factor.
If you have had any injuries to your wrist in the past, secondary arthritis is a common residual. It could be a fracture of your wrist where cartilage is damaged, and, if the damage moves to the joint surface, then cartilage becomes uneven. That leaves you vulnerable to wrist arthritis.
These types of injuries to your wrist involve carpal ligaments and carpal bones. And unfortunately, when you have this kind of an injury normal movement changes. And, this in turn causes wear and tear on your wrist joint cartilage.
Unfortunately, RA is a common occurrence in wrist joints. In fact, it is the most common reasons for issues in your wrist. By definition, RA is disease that strikes your entire body. In turn, it can cause serious loss of both cartilage and bone throughout your body.
A doctor should examine your wrist(s) so they can determine what the underlying issue is. Certainly, it is possible that you do not have arthritis of any kind. It may be Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
Even small changes in your lifestyle can help you in overcoming pain from wrist arthritis. For one thing, stop acting like you can still tackle the more difficult tasks. That means no heavy lifting. And, that also means that you need to stop carrying heavy loads. After all, that kind of activity is only increasing your pain.
You might also try some of the wrist braces for wrist arthritis. They will limit your wrist movement which in turn will reduce your pain.
Heat pads are widely used for wrist arthritis and it works well. You can even find them in larger grocery stores and certainly, in drugstores.
It is not unusual for doctors to tell you to try Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications for control your pain. (NSAID’s) This writer’s issue with NSAID’s is that they may cause some serious side effects. Intestinal bleeding can occur when using NSAID’s.
Liquid Glucosamine offers you still another option for wrist arthritis. The most popular liquid Glucosamine has been on the market since 2000. The name is Synflex®. This writer recommends Synflex 1500 for wrist arthritis. Of course, if your wrist arthritis is caused by RA, liquid Glucosamine would not be an option. RA requires special medications.
When arthritis in the wrists has reached the level of “bone on bone” then more serious options have to be considered. Surgery may have to be considered in extreme cases.
When we talk about this type of surgery we are talking about a fusion of some degree. That is, the joining of bones that are making contact with one another. Let’s look at the three possibilities.
In this case, we are talking about a patient who is relatively active but has one or two bones that are coming into contact. The surgeon has to fuse the offending bones with wire or metal. Then, he or she fills in the spaces that remain so that they will grow together. Overall, this is not too serious.
In this instance, the patient is generally older and is not necessarily going to need much use of their wrists in terms of movement. To explain this, you have to understand the anatomy of the wrist. There are two rows of bones in your wrist. One is close to your fingers and the other is closer to your forearm. In this surgery, those bones closest to your forearm are removed. So, your new wrist has a flex point closer to your fingers. The last surgery is a little more serious.
If those procedures don’t relieve the patient’s pain, a total wrist fusion can be considered. Once your wrist is fused, you can no longer bend your it. What you can do is move your wrist in a manner that allows you to turn your palm up or down.
Whatever you do, don’t give up. The options before even having to consider surgery are out there. And, liquid Glucosamine Synflex® is a low-cost alternative with no side effects.